Yoel es un joven de 14 años que va a cursar la secundaria en la Zona 6, una de las ciudades con las mejores escuelas y seguridad, gracias a su gran empleo de la tecnología en la vida diaria.
Tras un acuerdo familiar en el que sus padres dejan que su abuelo decida el entorno académico de Yoel a cambio de encargarse de todo financieramente, Yoel tendrá que acoplarse a un nuevo entorno en el que tiene poca autonomía sobre su futuro.
Yoel is a 14-year-old boy who is going to attend high school in Zone 6, one of the cities with the best schools and security, thanks to its great use of technology in daily life.
Following a family agreement in which his parents let his grandfather decide Yoel's academic environment in exchange for taking care of everything financially, Yoel will have to adjust to a new environment in which he has little autonomy over his future.
Asistente virtual conectado a los dispositivos personales de Yoel.
La escuela de Yoel tiene un convenio con una compañía de seguridad que está a cargo de gran parte de la infraestructura digital de la Zona 6, su apariencia fue diseñada para ser agradable al público.
Encuentra placer en hacer su trabajo como asistente de Yoel lo más mediocre posible, resignado a su situación. De momento está listo a buscar entretenimiento como pueda.
Virtual assistant connected to Yoel's personal devices.
Yoel's school has an agreement with a security company that is in charge of much of the digital infrastructure of Zone 6, its appearance was designed to be pleasing to the public.
He finds pleasure in making his job as Yoel's assistant as mediocre as possible, resigned to his situation. For now he is ready to find entertainment however he can.
Estudiante de tercer grado de primaria en la misma escuela a la que se acaba de transferir Yoel en Zona 6, miranda es una niña curiosa y energética, requiere de la ayuda regular de su asistente personal para poder navegar su vida diaria debido a problemas de la vista.
Third grade student at the same school that Yoel has just transferred to in Zone 6, Miranda is a curious and energetic girl, she requires the regular help of her personal assistant to be able to navigate her daily life due to problems with her eyesight.
Raini ha pasado los últimos 3 años buscando a su hermano menor, actualmente se la pasa encontrando pistas de su paradero.
Raini has spent the last 3 years searching for her younger brother, currently she spends her time finding clues to his whereabouts.